Thank you for registering for your Personal Buddy session!
Soon after this message you will receive a mail with a direct link to your Personal Buddy Page for you and you only.
On your Personal Buddy Page you can drop your questions, share documents to review, links and all other things you like to share with me. Any recordings of our calls will be stored here so you can always tune in again and again without having to scroll through your mail history. All information easily located on one platform.
While waiting for mail with login details to arrive you can start now with booking your first online call below or by clicking here.
Thank you again and looking forward to work as your Personal Business Buddy alongside you!
Yours sincere,
Dave Mansoor
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To show my appriciation for making this investment in your Personal Growth , here is your first bonus gift.
Click for three tips to keep you motivated. Tip; print this file and hang it in front of you to motivate you every day)
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